
  • 常用方法 表1 LogicalCreateSlotBuilder常用方法 返回值 方法 描述 throws T withSlotName(String slotName) 指定复制槽名。 - ChainedLogicalCreateSlotBuilder withOutputPlugin(String outputPlugin) 插件名称,当前支持mppdb_decoding。 - void make() 在数据库中创建具有指定参数的插槽。 SQLException ChainedLogicalCreateSlotBuilder self() - -
  • 参数 表1 SQLAllocHandle参数 关键字 参数说明 HandleType 由SQLAllocHandle分配的句柄类型。必须为下列值之一: SQL_HANDLE_ENV(环境句柄) SQL_HANDLE_DBC(连接句柄) SQL_HANDLE_STMT(语句句柄) SQL_HANDLE_DESC(描述句柄) 申请句柄顺序为,先申请环境句柄,再申请连接句柄,最后申请语句句柄,后申请的句柄都要依赖它前面申请的句柄。 InputHandle 将要分配的新句柄的类型。 如果HandleType为SQL_HANDLE_ENV,则这个值为SQL_NULL_HANDLE。 如果HandleType为SQL_HANDLE_DBC,则这一定是一个环境句柄。 如果HandleType为SQL_HANDLE_STMT或SQL_HANDLE_DESC,则它一定是一个连接句柄。 OutputHandlePtr 输出参数:一个缓冲区的指针,此缓冲区以新分配的数据结构存放返回的句柄。
  • 注意事项 当分配的句柄并非环境句柄时,如果SQLAllocHandle返回的值为SQL_ERROR,则它会将OutputHandlePtr的值设置为SQL_NULL_HDBC、SQL_NULL_HSTMT或SQL_NULL_HDESC。之后,通过调用带有适当参数的SQLGetDiagRec,其中HandleType和Handle被设置为IntputHandle的值,可得到相关的SQLSTATE值,通过SQLSTATE值可以查出调用此函数的具体信息。
  • ODBC接口参考 ODBC接口是一套提供给用户的API函数,本节将对部分常用接口做具体描述,若涉及其他接口可参考msdn(网址:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms714177(v=vs.85).aspx)中ODBC Programmer's Reference项的相关内容。 SQLAllocEnv SQLAllocConnect SQLAllocHandle SQLAllocStmt SQLBindCol SQLBindParameter SQLColAttribute SQLConnect SQLDisconnect SQLExecDirect SQLExecute SQLFetch SQLFreeStmt SQLFreeConnect SQLFreeHandle SQLFreeEnv SQLPrepare SQLGetData SQLGetDiagRec SQLSetConnectAttr SQLSetEnvAttr SQLSetStmtAttr 父主题: API参考
  • 常用方法 表1 PGReplicationConnection常用方法 返回值 方法 描述 throws void close() 结束逻辑复制,并释放资源。 SQLException void forceUpdateStatus() 强制将上次接收、刷新和应用的 LSN 状态发送到后端。 SQLException LogSequenceNumber getLastAppliedLSN() 获取上次主机日志回放的LSN。 - LogSequenceNumber getLastFlushedLSN() 获取上次主机刷新的LSN,即当前逻辑解码推进的LSN。 - LogSequenceNumber getLastReceiveLSN() 获取上次接收的LSN。 - boolean isClosed() 复制流是否关闭。 - ByteBuffer read() 从后端读取下一条WAL记录。如果读取不到,该方法阻塞I/O读。 SQLException ByteBuffer readPending() 从后端读取下一条WAL记录。如果读取不到,该方法不阻塞I/O读。 SQLException void setAppliedLSN(LogSequenceNumber applied) 设置应用的LSN。 - void setFlushedLSN(LogSequenceNumber flushed) 设置刷新的LSN,在下次更新时发送至后端,用于推进服务端LSN。 -
  • PGReplicationStream的继承关系 PGReplicationStream是逻辑复制的接口,实现类是V3PGReplicationStream,该类位于org.postgresql.core.v3.replication Package中,该类的声明如下: public class V3PGReplicationStream implements PGReplicationStream
  • javax.naming.Context javax.naming.Context是连接配置的上下文接口。 表1 对javax.naming.Context的支持情况 方法名 返回值类型 支持JDBC 4 bind(Name name, Object obj) void Yes bind(String name, Object obj) void Yes lookup(Name name) Object Yes lookup(String name) Object Yes rebind(Name name, Object obj) void Yes rebind(String name, Object obj) void Yes rename(Name oldName, Name newName) void Yes rename(String oldName, String newName) void Yes unbind(Name name) void Yes unbind(String name) void Yes 父主题: JDBC接口参考
  • 常用方法 表1 CopyManager常用方法 返回值 方法 描述 throws CopyIn copyIn(String sql) - SQLException long copyIn(String sql, InputStream from) 使用COPY FROM STDIN从InputStream中快速向数据库中的表加载数据。 SQLException,IOException long copyIn(String sql, InputStream from, int bufferSize) 使用COPY FROM STDIN从InputStream中快速向数据库中的表加载数据。 SQLException,IOException long copyIn(String sql, Reader from) 使用COPY FROM STDIN从Reader中快速向数据库中的表加载数据。 SQLException,IOException long copyIn(String sql, Reader from, int bufferSize) 使用COPY FROM STDIN从Reader中快速向数据库中的表加载数据。 SQLException,IOException CopyOut copyOut(String sql) - SQLException long copyOut(String sql, OutputStream to) 将一个COPY TO STDOUT的结果集从数据库发送到OutputStream类中。 SQLException,IOException long copyOut(String sql, Writer to) 将一个COPY TO STDOUT的结果集从数据库发送到Writer类中。 SQLException,IOException
  • 常用方法 表1 PGReplicationConnection常用方法 返回值 方法 描述 throws ChainedCreateReplicationSlotBuilder createReplicationSlot() 用于创建逻辑复制槽 - void dropReplicationSlot(String slotName) 用于删除逻辑复制槽 SQLException,IOException ChainedStreamBuilder replicationStream() 用户开启逻辑复制 -
  • PGReplicationConnection的继承关系 PGReplicationConnection是逻辑复制的接口,实现类是PGReplicationConnectionImpl,该类位于org.postgresql.replication Package中,该类的声明如下: public class PGReplicationConnection implements PGReplicationConnection
  • ChainedStreamBuilder的继承关系 ChainedStreamBuilder是逻辑复制的接口,实现类是ReplicationStreamBuilder,该类位于org.postgresql.replication.fluent Package中,该类的声明如下: public class ReplicationStreamBuilder implements ChainedStreamBuilder
  • java.sql.Statement java.sql.Statement是SQL语句接口。 表1 对java.sql.Statement的支持情况 方法名 返回值类型 支持JDBC 4 addBatch(String sql) void Yes clearBatch() void Yes clearWarnings() void Yes close() void Yes closeOnCompletion() void Yes execute(String sql) Boolean Yes execute(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) Boolean Yes execute(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) Boolean Yes execute(String sql, String[] columnNames) Boolean Yes executeBatch() Boolean Yes executeQuery(String sql) ResultSet Yes executeUpdate(String sql) int Yes executeUpdate(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) int Yes executeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) int Yes executeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames) int Yes getConnection() Connection Yes getFetchDirection() int Yes getFetchSize() int Yes getGeneratedKeys() ResultSet Yes getMaxFieldSize() int Yes getMaxRows() int Yes getMoreResults() boolean Yes getMoreResults(int current) boolean Yes getResultSet() ResultSet Yes getResultSetConcurrency() int Yes getResultSetHoldability() int Yes getResultSetType() int Yes getQueryTimeout() int Yes getUpdateCount() int Yes getWarnings() SQLWarning Yes isClosed() Boolean Yes isCloseOnCompletion() Boolean Yes isPoolable() Boolean Yes setCursorName(String name) void Yes setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable) void Yes setFetchDirection(int direction) void Yes setMaxFieldSize(int max) void Yes setMaxRows(int max) void Yes setPoolable(boolean poolable) void Yes setQueryTimeout(int seconds) void Yes setFetchSize(int rows) void Yes cancel() void Yes executeLargeUpdate(String sql) long No getLargeUpdateCount() long No executeLargeBatch() long No executeLargeUpdate(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) long No executeLargeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) long No executeLargeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames) long No 通过setFetchSize可以减少结果集在客户端的内存占用情况。它的原理是通过将结果集打包成游标,然后分段处理,所以会加大数据库与客户端的通信量,会有性能损耗。 由于数据库游标是事务内有效,所以,在设置setFetchSize的同时,需要将连接设置为非自动提交模式,setAutoCommit(false)。同时在业务数据需要持久化到数据库中时,在连接上执行提交操作。 LargeUpdate相关方法必须在JDBC4.2及以上使用。 父主题: JDBC接口参考
  • javax.sql.PooledConnection javax.sql.PooledConnection是由连接池创建的连接接口。 表1 对javax.sql.PooledConnection的支持情况 方法名 返回值类型 支持JDBC 4 addConnectionEventListener (ConnectionEventListener listener) void Yes close() void Yes getConnection() Connection Yes removeConnectionEventListener (ConnectionEventListener listener) void Yes 父主题: JDBC接口参考
  • java.sql.ResultSetMetaData java.sql.ResultSetMetaData是对ResultSet对象相关信息的具体描述。 表1 对java.sql.ResultSetMetaData的支持情况 方法名 返回值类型 支持JDBC 4 getCatalogName(int column) String Yes getColumnClassName(int column) String Yes getColumnCount() int Yes getColumnDisplaySize(int column) int Yes getColumnLabel(int column) String Yes getColumnName(int column) String Yes getColumnType(int column) int Yes getColumnTypeName(int column) String Yes getPrecision(int column) int Yes getScale(int column) int Yes getSchemaName(int column) String Yes getTableName(int column) String Yes isAutoIncrement(int column) boolean Yes isCaseSensitive(int column) boolean Yes isCurrency(int column) boolean Yes isDefinitelyWritable(int column) boolean Yes isNullable(int column) int Yes isReadOnly(int column) boolean Yes isSearchable(int column) boolean Yes isSigned(int column) boolean Yes isWritable(int column) boolean Yes 父主题: JDBC接口参考
  • javax.sql.DataSource javax.sql.DataSource是数据源接口。 表1 对javax.sql.DataSource接口的支持情况 方法名 返回值类型 支持JDBC 4 getConneciton() Connection Yes getConnection(String username,String password) Connection Yes getLoginTimeout() int Yes getLogWriter() PrintWriter Yes setLoginTimeout(int seconds) void Yes setLogWriter(PrintWriter out) void Yes 父主题: JDBC接口参考
  • javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource是数据源连接池接口。 表1 对javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource的支持情况 方法名 返回值类型 支持JDBC 4 getPooledConnection() PooledConnection Yes getPooledConnection(String user,String password) PooledConnection Yes 父主题: JDBC接口参考
  • java.sql.DatabaseMetaData java.sql.DatabaseMetaData是数据库对象定义接口。 表1 对java.sql.DatabaseMetaData的支持情况 方法名 返回值类型 支持JDBC 4 allProceduresAreCallable() boolean Yes allTablesAreSelectable() boolean Yes autoCommitFailureClosesAllResultSets() boolean Yes dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit() boolean Yes dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions() boolean Yes deletesAreDetected(int type) boolean Yes doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs() boolean Yes generatedKeyAlwaysReturned() boolean Yes getBestRowIdentifier(String catalog, String schema, String table, int scope, boolean nullable) ResultSet Yes getCatalogs() ResultSet Yes getCatalogSeparator() String Yes getCatalogTerm() String Yes getClientInfoProperties() ResultSet Yes getColumnPrivileges(String catalog, String schema, String table, String columnNamePattern) ResultSet Yes getConnection() Connection Yes getCrossReference(String parentCatalog, String parentSchema, String parentTable, String foreignCatalog, String foreignSchema, String foreignTable) ResultSet Yes getDefaultTransactionIsolation() int Yes getExportedKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) ResultSet Yes getExtraNameCharacters() String Yes getFunctionColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String functionNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) ResultSet Yes getFunctions(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String functionNamePattern) ResultSet Yes getIdentifierQuoteString() String Yes getImportedKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) ResultSet Yes getIndexInfo(String catalog, String schema, String table, boolean unique, boolean approximate) ResultSet Yes getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() int Yes getMaxCatalogNameLength() int Yes getMaxCharLiteralLength() int Yes getMaxColumnNameLength() int Yes getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() int Yes getMaxColumnsInIndex() int Yes getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() int Yes getMaxColumnsInSelect() int Yes getMaxColumnsInTable() int Yes getMaxConnections() int Yes getMaxCursorNameLength() int Yes getMaxIndexLength() int Yes getMaxLogicalLobSize() default long Yes getMaxProcedureNameLength() int Yes getMaxRowSize() int Yes getMaxSchemaNameLength() int Yes getMaxStatementLength() int Yes getMaxStatements() int Yes getMaxTableNameLength() int Yes getMaxTablesInSelect() int Yes getMaxUserNameLength() int Yes getNumericFunctions() String Yes getPrimaryKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) ResultSet Yes getPartitionTablePrimaryKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) ResultSet Yes getProcedureColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedureNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) ResultSet Yes getProcedures(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedureNamePattern) ResultSet Yes getProcedureTerm() String Yes getSchemas() ResultSet Yes getSchemas(String catalog, String schemaPattern) ResultSet Yes getSchemaTerm() String Yes getSearchStringEscape() String Yes getSQLKeywords() String Yes getSQLStateType() int Yes getStringFunctions() String Yes getSystemFunctions() String Yes getTablePrivileges(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern) ResultSet Yes getTimeDateFunctions() String Yes getTypeInfo() ResultSet Yes getUDTs(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern, int[] types) ResultSet Yes getURL() String Yes getVersionColumns(String catalog, String schema, String table) ResultSet Yes insertsAreDetected(int type) boolean Yes locatorsUpdateCopy() boolean Yes othersDeletesAreVisible(int type) boolean Yes othersInsertsAreVisible(int type) boolean Yes othersUpdatesAreVisible(int type) boolean Yes ownDeletesAreVisible(int type) boolean Yes ownInsertsAreVisible(int type) boolean Yes ownUpdatesAreVisible(int type) boolean Yes storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() boolean Yes storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() boolean Yes storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() boolean Yes supportsBatchUpdates() boolean Yes supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() boolean Yes supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() boolean Yes supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() boolean Yes supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() boolean Yes supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() boolean Yes supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() boolean Yes supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() boolean Yes supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() boolean Yes supportsGetGeneratedKeys() boolean Yes supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() boolean Yes supportsMultipleOpenResults() boolean Yes supportsNamedParameters() boolean Yes supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() boolean Yes supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() boolean Yes supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() boolean Yes supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() boolean Yes supportsPositionedDelete() boolean Yes supportsPositionedUpdate() boolean Yes supportsRefCursors() boolean Yes supportsResultSetConcurrency(int type, int concurrency) boolean Yes supportsResultSetType(int type) boolean Yes supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() boolean Yes supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() boolean Yes supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() boolean Yes supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() boolean Yes supportsSelectForUpdate() boolean Yes supportsStatementPooling() boolean Yes supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax() boolean Yes supportsStoredProcedures() boolean Yes supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() boolean Yes supportsSubqueriesInExists() boolean Yes supportsSubqueriesInIns() boolean Yes supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() boolean Yes supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level) boolean Yes supportsTransactions() boolean Yes supportsUnion() boolean Yes supportsUnionAll() boolean Yes updatesAreDetected(int type) boolean Yes getTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String[] types) ResultSet Yes getColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) ResultSet Yes getTableTypes() ResultSet Yes getUserName() String Yes isReadOnly() boolean Yes nullsAreSortedHigh() boolean Yes nullsAreSortedLow() boolean Yes nullsAreSortedAtStart() boolean Yes nullsAreSortedAtEnd() boolean Yes getDatabaseProductName() String Yes getDatabaseProductVersion() String Yes getDriverName() String Yes getDriverVersion() String Yes getDriverMajorVersion() int Yes getDriverMinorVersion() int Yes usesLocalFiles() boolean Yes usesLocalFilePerTable() boolean Yes supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() boolean Yes storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() boolean Yes storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() boolean Yes supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() boolean Yes storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() boolean Yes storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() boolean Yes storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() boolean Yes supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() boolean Yes supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() boolean Yes supportsColumnAliasing() boolean Yes nullPlusNonNullIsNull() boolean Yes supportsConvert() boolean Yes supportsConvert(int fromType, int toType) boolean Yes supportsTableCorrelationNames() boolean Yes supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() boolean Yes supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() boolean Yes supportsOrderByUnrelated() boolean Yes supportsGroupBy() boolean Yes supportsGroupByUnrelated() boolean Yes supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() boolean Yes supportsLikeEscapeClause() boolean Yes supportsMultipleResultSets() boolean Yes supportsMultipleTransactions() boolean Yes supportsNonNullableColumns() boolean Yes supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() boolean Yes supportsCoreSQLGrammar() boolean Yes supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() boolean Yes supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() boolean Yes supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() boolean Yes supportsANSI92FullSQL() boolean Yes supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() boolean Yes supportsOuterJoins() boolean Yes supportsFullOuterJoins() boolean Yes supportsLimitedOuterJoins() boolean Yes isCatalogAtStart() boolean Yes supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() boolean Yes supportsSavepoints() boolean Yes supportsResultSetHoldability(int holdability) boolean Yes getResultSetHoldability() int Yes getDatabaseMajorVersion() int Yes getDatabaseMinorVersion() int Yes getJDBCMajorVersion() int Yes getJDBCMinorVersion() int Yes getPartitionTablePrimaryKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table)接口用于获取分区表含全局索引的主键列,使用示例如下: PgDatabaseMetaData dbmd = (PgDatabaseMetaData)conn.getMetaData();dbmd.getPartitionTablePrimaryKeys("catalogName", "schemaName", "tableName"); 父主题: JDBC接口参考
  • java.sql.PreparedStatement java.sql.PreparedStatement是预处理语句接口。 表1 对java.sql.PreparedStatement的支持情况 方法名 返回值类型 支持JDBC 4 clearParameters() void Yes execute() Boolean Yes executeQuery() ResultSet Yes excuteUpdate() int Yes executeLargeUpdate() long No getMetaData() ResultSetMetaData Yes getParameterMetaData() ParameterMetaData Yes setArray(int parameterIndex, Array x) void Yes setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length) void Yes setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x) void Yes setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length) void Yes setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, long length) void Yes setBlob(int parameterIndex, InputStream inputStream) void Yes setBlob(int parameterIndex, InputStream inputStream, long length) void Yes setBlob(int parameterIndex, Blob x) void Yes setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader reader) void Yes setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader reader, int length) void Yes setClob(int parameterIndex, Reader reader) void Yes setClob(int parameterIndex, Reader reader, long length) void Yes setClob(int parameterIndex, Clob x) void Yes setDate(int parameterIndex, Date x, Calendar cal) void Yes setNull(int parameterIndex, int sqlType) void Yes setNull(int parameterIndex, int sqlType, String typeName) void Yes setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x) void Yes setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType) void Yes setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType, int scaleOrLength) void Yes setSQLXML(int parameterIndex, SQLXML xmlObject) void Yes setTime(int parameterIndex, Time x) void Yes setTime(int parameterIndex, Time x, Calendar cal) void Yes setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, Timestamp x) void Yes setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, Timestamp x, Calendar cal) void Yes setUnicodeStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length) void Yes setURL(int parameterIndex, URL x) void Yes setBoolean(int parameterIndex, boolean x) void Yes setBigDecimal(int parameterIndex, BigDecimal x) void Yes setByte(int parameterIndex, byte x) void Yes setBytes(int parameterIndex, byte[] x) void Yes setDate(int parameterIndex, Date x) void Yes setDouble(int parameterIndex, double x) void Yes setFloat(int parameterIndex, float x) void Yes setInt(int parameterIndex, int x) void Yes setLong(int parameterIndex, long x) void Yes setShort(int parameterIndex, short x) void Yes setString(int parameterIndex, String x) void Yes setNString(int parameterIndex, String x) void Yes addBatch() void Yes executeBatch() int[] Yes addBatch()、execute()必须在clearBatch()之后才能执行。 调用executeBatch()方法并不会清除batch。用户必须显式使用clearBatch()清除 。 在添加了一个batch的绑定变量后,用户若想重用这些值(再次添加一个batch),无需再次使用set*()方法 。 以下方法是从java.sql.Statement继承而来:close,execute,executeQuery,executeUpdate,getConnection,getResultSet,getUpdateCount,isClosed,setMaxRows,setFetchSize。 executeLargeUpdate()方法必须在JDBC4.2及以上使用。 父主题: JDBC接口参考
  • 内核错误信息 ERRMSG: "unsupported syntax: ENCRYPTED WITH in this operation" SQLSTATE: 42601 CAUSE: "client encryption feature is not supported this operation." ACTION: "Check client encryption feature whether supported this operation." ERRMSG: "invalid grant operation" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "Grant options cannnot be granted to public." ACTION: "Grant grant options to roles." ERRMSG: "unrecognized object kind: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "unrecognized GrantStmt.targtype: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The target type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported target types." ERRMSG: "invalid grant operation" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "Grant to public operation is forbidden in security mode." ACTION: "Don't grant to public in security mode." ERRMSG: "unrecognized object type" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "invalid grant/revoke operation" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "Column privileges are only valid for relations in GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Use the column privileges only for relations." ERRMSG: "invalid AccessPriv node" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "unrecognized GrantStmt.objtype: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "undefined client master key" SQLSTATE: 42705 CAUSE: "The client master key does not exist." ACTION: "Check whether the client master key exists." ERRMSG: "undefined column encryption key" SQLSTATE: 42705 CAUSE: "The column encryption key does not exist." ACTION: "Check whether the column encryption key exists." ERRMSG: "large object %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "The large object does not exist." ACTION: "Check whether the large object exists." ERRMSG: "redundant options" SQLSTATE: 42601 CAUSE: "The syntax 'schemas' is redundant in ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES statement." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax." ERRMSG: "redundant options" SQLSTATE: 42601 CAUSE: "The syntax 'roles' is redundant in ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES statement." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax." ERRMSG: "option '%s' not recognized" SQLSTATE: 42601 CAUSE: "The option in ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES statement is not supported." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax." ERRMSG: "unrecognized GrantStmt.objtype: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "invalid alter default privileges operation" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "Default privileges cannot be set for columns." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax." ERRMSG: "unrecognized objtype: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for default privileges." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "could not find tuple for default ACL %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "unexpected default ACL type: %d" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for default privilege." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "invalid object id" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "undefined column" SQLSTATE: 42703 CAUSE: "The column of the relation does not exist." ACTION: "Check whether the column exists." ERRMSG: "column number out of range" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for attribute %d of relation %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for relation %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "unsupported object type" SQLSTATE: 42809 CAUSE: "Index type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "unsupported object type" SQLSTATE: 42809 CAUSE: "Composite type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "wrong object type" SQLSTATE: 42809 CAUSE: "GRANT/REVOKE SEQUENCE only support sequence objects." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "invalid privilege type USAGE for table" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "GRANT/REVOKE TABLE do not support USAGE privilege." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported privilege types for tables." ERRMSG: "invalid privilege type %s for column" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "The privilege type is not supported for column object." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported privilege types for column object." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for database %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for foreign-data wrapper %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for foreign server %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for function %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for language %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "Grant/revoke on untrusted languages if forbidden." SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "Grant/revoke on untrusted languages if forbidden." ACTION: "Support grant/revoke on trusted C languages" ERRMSG: "Forbid grant language c to user with grant option." SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "Forbid grant language c to user with grant option." ACTION: "Only support grant language c to user." ERRMSG: "Forbid grant language c to public." SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "Forbid grant language c to public." ACTION: "Grant language c to specified users." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for large object %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for namespace %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "Role %s has not privilege to grant/revoke node group %s." SQLSTATE: 42501 CAUSE: "Role has not privilege to grant/revoke node group." ACTION: "Must have sysadmin privilege." ERRMSG: "Can not grant CREATE privilege on node group %u to role %u in node group %u." SQLSTATE: 42501 CAUSE: "Role has not privilege to grant CREATE privilege node group." ACTION: "Must have sysadmin privilege." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for tablespace %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for type %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cannot set privileges of array types" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "Cannot set privileges of array types." ACTION: "Set the privileges of the element type instead." ERRMSG: "wrong object type" SQLSTATE: 42809 CAUSE: "GRANT/REVOKE DOMAIN only support domain objects." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for data source %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for client master key %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for column encryption key %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for directory %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "unrecognized privilege type '%s'" SQLSTATE: 42601 CAUSE: "The privilege type is not supported." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported privilege types." ERRMSG: "unrecognized privilege: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The privilege type is not supported." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported privilege types." ERRMSG: "unrecognized AclResult" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "permission denied for column '%s' of relation '%s'" SQLSTATE: 42501 CAUSE: "Insufficient privileges for the column." ACTION: "Select the system tables to get the acl of the column." ERRMSG: "role with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "unrecognized objkind: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for privilege check." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "attribute %d of relation with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42703 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "the column has been dropped" SQLSTATE: 42703 CAUSE: "The column does not exist." ACTION: "Check whether the column exists." ERRMSG: "relation with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "invalid group" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "database with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 3D000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "directory with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "function with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42883 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "client master key with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42705 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "language with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "large object %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "schema with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 3F001 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "node group with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "tablespace with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "foreign-data wrapper with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "foreign server with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "data source with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "type with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "operator with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42883 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "column encryption key with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42705 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "operator class with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "operator family with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "text search dictionary with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "text search configuration with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "collation with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "conversion with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "extension with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "synonym with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "package can not create the same name with schema." SQLSTATE: 22023 CAUSE: "Package name conflict" ACTION: "Please rename package name" ERRMSG: "type is not exists %s." SQLSTATE: 22023 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "This input type is not supported for tdigest_in()" SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "input type is not supported" ACTION: "Check tdigest_in syntax to obtain the supported privilege types" ERRMSG: "Failed to apply for memory" SQLSTATE: 53200 CAUSE: "palloc failed" ACTION: "Check memory" ERRMSG: "Failed to get tde info from relation '%s'." SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "SPI_connect failed: %s" SQLSTATE: SP001 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Analyze the error message before the error" ERRMSG: "permission denied for terminate snapshot thread" SQLSTATE: 42501 CAUSE: "The user does not have system admin privilege" ACTION: "Grant system admin to user" ERRMSG: "terminate snapshot thread failed" SQLSTATE: OP001 CAUSE: "Execution failed due to: %s" ACTION: "check if snapshot thread exists" ERRMSG: "terminate snapshot thread failed" SQLSTATE: OP001 CAUSE: "restart wdr snapshot thread timeoutor The thread did not respond to the kill signal" ACTION: "Check the wdr snapshot thread is restarted" ERRMSG: "set lockwait_timeout failed" SQLSTATE: XX000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "permission denied for create WDR Snapshot" SQLSTATE: 42501 CAUSE: "The user does not have system admin privilege" ACTION: "Grant system admin to user" ERRMSG: "WDR snapshot request can not be accepted, please retry later" SQLSTATE: OP001 CAUSE: "wdr snapshot thread does not exist" ACTION: "Check if wdr snapshot thread exists" ERRMSG: "Cannot respond to WDR snapshot request" SQLSTATE: OP001 CAUSE: "Execution failed due to: %s" ACTION: "Check if wdr snapshot thread exists" ERRMSG: "query(%s) can not get datum values" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "create sequence failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check if sequence can be created" ERRMSG: "update snapshot end time stamp filled" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "query can not get datum values" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "SPI_connect failed: %s" SQLSTATE: XX000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "query(%s) execute failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "clean table of snap_%s is failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "analyze table failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "insert into tables_snap_timestamp start time stamp is failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "insert data failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful and check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "update tables_snap_timestamp end time stamp is failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "clean snapshot id %lu is failed in snapshot table" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful and check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "clean snapshot failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "can not create snapshot stat table" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "create WDR snapshot data table failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "insert into tables_snap_timestamp start time stamp failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "insert into snap_%s is failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "update tables_snap_timestamp end time stamp failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "create index failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "analyze table, connection failed: %s" SQLSTATE: XX000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "snapshot thread SPI_connect failed: %s" SQLSTATE: XX000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "Distributed key column can't be transformed" SQLSTATE: 42P10 CAUSE: "There is a risk of violating uniqueness when transforming distribution columns." ACTION: "Change transform column." ERRMSG: "cannot convert %s to %s" SQLSTATE: 42804 CAUSE: "There is no conversion path in pg_cast." ACTION: "Rewrite or cast the expression." ERRMSG: "create matview on TDE table failed" SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "create materialized views is not supported on TDE table" ACTION: "check CREATE syntax about create the materialized views" ERRMSG: "schema name can not same as package" SQLSTATE: 22023 CAUSE: "schema name conflict" ACTION: "rename schema name" ERRMSG: "Unrecognized commandType when checking read-only attribute." SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "Fail to generate subquery plan." SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "Unrecognized node type when processing qual condition." SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "Unrecognized node type when processing const parameters." SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE is not allowed with UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT" SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "SQL uses unsupported feature." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "GROUP BY cannot be implemented." SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "GROUP BY uses unsupported datatypes." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "TSDB functions cannot be used if enable_tsdb is off." SQLSTATE: D0011 CAUSE: "Functions are not loaded." ACTION: "Turn on enable_tsdb according to manual." ERRMSG: "Unrecognized node type when extracting index." SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "Ordering operator cannot be identified." SQLSTATE: 42883 CAUSE: "Grouping set columns must be able to sort their inputs." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "DISTINCT cannot be implemented." SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "DISTINCT uses unsupported datatypes." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "Failed to locate grouping columns." SQLSTATE: 55000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "Resjunk output columns are not implemented." SQLSTATE: 20000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "PARTITION BY cannot be implemented." SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "PARTITION BY uses unsupported datatypes." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "ORDER BY cannot be implemented." SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "ORDER BY uses unsupported datatypes." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "Failed to deconstruct sort operators into partitioning/ordering operators." SQLSTATE: D0011 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "OBS and HDFS foreign table can NOT be in the same plan." SQLSTATE: XX008 CAUSE: "SQL uses unsupported feature." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "Pool size should not be zero" SQLSTATE: 22012 CAUSE: "Compute pool configuration file contains error." ACTION: "Please check the value of 'pl' in cp_client.conf." ERRMSG: "Failed to get the runtime info from the compute pool." SQLSTATE: 22004 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "Version is not compatible between local cluster and the compute pool." SQLSTATE: XX008 CAUSE: "Compute pool is not installed appropriately." ACTION: "Configure compute pool according to manual." ERRMSG: "No optional index path is found." SQLSTATE: 01000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "MERGE INTO on replicated table does not yet support using distributed tables." SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "SQL uses unsupported feature." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "Fail to find ForeignScan node!" SQLSTATE: P0002 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "sql advisor don't support none table, temp table, system table." SQLSTATE: 42601 CAUSE: "sql advisor don't support none table, temp table, system table." ACTION: "check query component" ERRMSG: "Invalid autonomous transaction return datatypes" SQLSTATE: P0000 CAUSE: "PL/SQL uses unsupported feature." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "new row for relation '%s' violates check constraint '%s'" SQLSTATE: 23514 CAUSE: "some rows copy failed" ACTION: "check table defination" ERRMSG: "new row for relation '%s' violates check constraint '%s'" SQLSTATE: 23514 CAUSE: "some rows copy failed" ACTION: "set client_min_messages = info for more details" ERRMSG: "get gauss home path is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "gauss home path not set" ACTION: "check if $GAUSSHOME is exist" ERRMSG: "unable to open kms_iam_info.json file" SQLSTATE: 58P03 CAUSE: "file not exist or broken" ACTION: "check the kms_iam_info.json file" ERRMSG: "can not get password plaintext" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "file not exist or broken" ACTION: "check the password cipher rand file" ERRMSG: "IAM info json key is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "IAM info value error" ACTION: "check tde_config kms_iam_info.json file" ERRMSG: "get internal password is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "cipher rand file missing" ACTION: "check password cipher rand file" ERRMSG: "KMS info json key is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "KMS info value error" ACTION: "check tde_config kms_iam_info.json file" ERRMSG: "unable to get json file" SQLSTATE: 58P03 CAUSE: "parse json file failed" ACTION: "check the kms_iam_info.json file format" ERRMSG: "get JSON tree is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "get KMS JSON tree failed" ACTION: "check input prarmeter or config.ini file" ERRMSG: "failed to get json tree" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "config.ini json tree error" ACTION: "check input prarmeter or config.ini file" ERRMSG: "failed to set the value of json tree" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "config.ini json tree error" ACTION: "check input prarmeter or config.ini file" ERRMSG: "http request failed" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "http request error" ACTION: "check KMS or IAM connect or config parameter" ERRMSG: "get iam token or iam agency token is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "connect IAM failed" ACTION: "check if your env can connect with IAM server" ERRMSG: "KMS dek json key is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "KMS return value error" ACTION: "check KMS config paramenter" ERRMSG: "get kms dek is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "connect KMS failed" ACTION: "check if your env can connect with KMS server" ERRMSG: "get http header is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "http request failed" ACTION: "check IAM config parameter" ERRMSG: "create KMS dek failed" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "KMS error" ACTION: "check KMS connect or config parameter" ERRMSG: "get KMS dek failed" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "KMS error" ACTION: "check KMS connect or config parameter" ERRMSG: "get KMS DEK is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "get KMS dek_plaintext failed" ACTION: "check KMS network or cipher is right" ERRMSG: "create matview with TDE failed" SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "TDE feature is not supported for Create materialized views" ACTION: "check CREATE syntax about create the materialized views" ERRMSG: "failed to add item to the index page" SQLSTATE: XX002 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check WARNINGS for the details." ERRMSG: "index row size %lu exceeds maximum %lu for index '%s'" SQLSTATE: 54000 CAUSE: "Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed." ACTION: "Consider a function index of an MD5 hash of the value, or use full text indexing." ERRMSG: "fail to insert a tuple to an orderd index, the ordered tuple list is corrupted" SQLSTATE: XX002 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "Tag field is too long." SQLSTATE: 54000 CAUSE: "Tag buffer overflow." ACTION: "Shorten tag Key." 父主题: 错误日志信息参考
  • java.sql.Driver java.sql.Driver是数据库驱动接口。 表1 对java.sql.Driver的支持情况 方法名 返回值类型 支持JDBC 4 acceptsURL(String url) Boolean Yes connect(String url, Properties info) Connection Yes jdbcCompliant() Boolean Yes getMajorVersion() int Yes getMinorVersion() int Yes getParentLogger() Logger Yes getPropertyInfo(String url, Properties info) DriverPropertyInfo[] Yes 父主题: JDBC接口参考
  • CM错误信息 ERRMSG: "Fail to access the cluster static config file." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cluster static config file is not generated or is manually deleted." ACTION: "Please check the cluster static config file." ERRMSG: "Fail to open the cluster static file." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cluster static config file is not generated or is manually deleted." ACTION: "Please check the cluster static config file." ERRMSG: "Fail to read the cluster static file." SQLSTATE: c3001 CAUSE: "The cluster static file permission is insufficient." ACTION: "Please check the cluster static config file." ERRMSG: "Failed to read the static config file." SQLSTATE: c1000 CAUSE: "out of memeory." ACTION: "Please check the system memory and try again." ERRMSG: "Could not find the current node in the cluster by the node id %u." SQLSTATE: c3002 CAUSE: "The static config file probably contained content error." ACTION: "Please check static config file." ERRMSG: "Failed to open the logic config file." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The logic config file is not generated or is manually deleted." ACTION: "Please check the cluster static config file." ERRMSG: "Fail to read the logic static config file." SQLSTATE: c3001 CAUSE: "The logic static config file permission is insufficient." ACTION: "Please check the logic static config file." ERRMSG: "Failed to open or read the static config file." SQLSTATE: c1000 CAUSE: "out of memeory." ACTION: "Please check the system memory and try again." ERRMSG: "Failed to open the log file '%s'." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "Log file not found." ACTION: "Please check the log file." ERRMSG: "Failed to open the log file '%s'." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The log file permission is insufficient." ACTION: "please check the log file." ERRMSG: "Failed to open the dynamic config file '%s'." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The dynamic config file permission is insufficient." ACTION: "Please check the dynamic config file." ERRMSG: "Failed to malloc memory, size = %lu." SQLSTATE: c1000 CAUSE: "out of memeory." ACTION: "Please check the system memory and try again." ERRMSG: "unrecognized AZ name '%s'." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The parameter(%s) entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the parameter entered by the user and try again." ERRMSG: "unrecognized minorityAz name '%s'." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The parameter(%s) entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the parameter entered by the user and try again." ERRMSG: "Get GAUSSHOME failed." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The environment variable('GAUSSHOME') is incorrectly configured." ACTION: "Please check the environment variable('GAUSSHOME')." ERRMSG: "Get current user name failed." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "N/A" ACTION: "Please check the environment." ERRMSG: "-B option must be specified." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-T option must be specified.\n" SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "can't stop one node or instance with -m normal." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "can't stop one node or instance with -m resume." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "can't stop one availability zone with -m resume." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "log level or cm server arbitration mode must be specified." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "log level or cm server arbitration mode need not be specified." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-R is needed." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-D is needed." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-n and -R are needed." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-n and -D are needed." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "no operation specified." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "no cm directory specified." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "Please check the usage of switchover." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-n and -z cannot be specified at the same time." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-m cannot be specified at the same time with -n or -z." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-n node(%d) is invalid." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-n node is needed." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "%s: -C is needed." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-z value must be 'ALL' when query mppdb cluster." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-v is needed." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-C is needed." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-Cv is needed." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-L value must be 'ALL' when query logic cluster." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "unrecognized LC name '%s'." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-n is needed." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "There is no '%s' information in cluster." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-D path is too long.\n" SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-D path is invalid." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-n node(%s) is invalid." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-R only support when the cluster is single-inst." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-t time is invalid." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "-votenum is invalid." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "unrecognized build mode." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "unrecognized build mode '%s'." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "too many command-line arguments (first is '%s')." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "unrecognized operation mode '%s'." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "no cm directory specified." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "%s: The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "Failed to malloc memory." SQLSTATE: c1000 CAUSE: "out of memeory." ACTION: "Please check the system memory and try again." ERRMSG: "Failed to open etcd: %s." SQLSTATE: c4000 CAUSE: "Etcd is abnoraml." ACTION: "Please check the Cluster Status and try again." ERRMSG: "[PATCH-ERROR] hotpatch command or path set error." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "no standby datanode in single node cluster." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "restart logic cluster failed." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "restart logic cluster failed" SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." ERRMSG: "The option parameter is not specified." SQLSTATE: c3000 CAUSE: "The cmdline entered by the user is incorrect." ACTION: "Please check the cmdline entered by the user(%s)." 父主题: 错误日志信息参考
  • global_syscache_threshold 参数说明:全局系统缓存内存最大占用大小。 该参数属于SIGHUP类型参数,请参考表1中对应设置方法进行设置。 需要打开enable_global_syscache参数。 取值范围:整型,16384 ~ 1073741824,单位为kB。 默认值:163840 推荐计算公式:热点DB个数和线程个数的最小值乘以每个DB分配的内存大小,即global_syscache_threshold = min(count(hot dbs),count(threads)) * memofdb。 热点DB数即访问较为频繁的数据库,线程数在线程池模式下取线程池线程个数和后台线程个数之和,非线程池模式不需要计算这个值,直接使用热点DB数。 memofdb即平均每个db应该分配的内存,每个DB的底噪内存是2M,平均每增加一个表或者索引,增加11k内存。 如果设置的值过小,会导致内存频繁淘汰,内存存在大量碎片无法回收,导致内存控制失效。
  • thread_pool_attr 参数说明:用于控制线程池功能的详细属性,该参数仅在enable_thread_pool打开后生效,仅sysadmin用户可以访问。该参数属于POSTMASTER类型参数,请参考表1中对应设置方法进行设置。 取值范围:字符串,长度大于0 该参数分为3个部分,'thread_num, group_num, cpubind_info',这3个部分的具体含义如下: thread_num:线程池中的线程总数,取值范围是0~4096。其中0的含义是数据库根据系统CPU core的数量来自动配置线程池的线程数,如果参数值大于0,线程池中的线程数等于thread_num。线程池大小推荐根据硬件配置设置,计算公式如下:thread_num = CPU核数*3~5,thread_num最大值为4096。 group_num:线程池中的线程分组个数,取值范围是0~64。其中0的含义是数据库根据系统NUMA组的个数来自动配置线程池的线程分组个数,如果参数值大于0,线程池中的线程组个数等于group_num。 cpubind_info:线程池是否绑核的配置参数。可选择的配置方式有集中:1. '(nobind)' ,线程不做绑核;2. '(allbind)',利用当前系统所有能查询到的CPU core做线程绑核;3. '(nodebind: 1, 2)',利用NUMA组1,2中的CPU core进行绑核;4. '(cpubind: 0-30)',利用0-30号CPU core进行绑核;5. '(numabind: 0-30)',在NUMA组内利用0-30号CPU core进行绑核。该参数不区分大小写。 默认值: 独立部署:'1024,2,(nobind)'(60核CPU/480G内存,32核CPU/256G内存);'512,2,(nobind)'(16核CPU/128G内存);'256,2,(nobind)'(8核CPU/64G内存);'128,2,(nobind)'(4核CPU/32G内存);'64,2,(nobind)'(4核CPU/16G内存) 金融版(标准型): CN:'768,2,(nobind)'(128核CPU/1024G内存,104核CPU/1024G内存);'684,2,(nobind)'(96核CPU/1024G内存,96核CPU/768G内存);'512,2,(nobind)'(80核CPU/640G内存,72核CPU/576G内存,64核CPU/512G内存,60核CPU/480G内存);'256,2,(nobind)'(32核CPU/256G内存),'128,2,(nobind)'(16核CPU/128G内存);'64,2,(nobind)'(8核CPU/64G内存) DN:'4096,2,(nobind)'(128核CPU/1024G内存,104核CPU/1024G内存,96核CPU/1024G内存,96核CPU/768G内存,80核CPU/640G内存,72核CPU/576G内存,64核CPU/512G内存,60核CPU/480G内存);'2048,2,(nobind)'(32核CPU/256G内存),'1024,2,(nobind)'(16核CPU/128G内存);'512,2,(nobind)'(8核CPU/64G内存) 企业版: CN:'768,2,(nobind)'(128核CPU/1024G内存,104核CPU/1024G内存);'512,2,(nobind)'(96核CPU/1024G内存,96核CPU/768G内存,80核CPU/640G内存,80核CPU/512G内存,72核CPU/576G内存,64核CPU/512G内存,60核CPU/480G内存);'256,2,(nobind)'(32核CPU/256G内存);'128,2,(nobind)'(16核CPU/128G内存);'64,2,(nobind)'(8核CPU/64G内存) DN:'1536,2,(nobind)'(128核CPU/1024G内存,104核CPU/1024G内存);'1024,2,(nobind)'(96核CPU/1024G内存,96核CPU/768G内存,80核CPU/640G内存,80核CPU/512G内存,72核CPU/576G内存,64核CPU/512G内存,60核CPU/480G内存);'512,2,(nobind)'(32核CPU/256G内存);'256,2,(nobind)'(16核CPU/128G内存);'128,2,(nobind)'(8核CPU/64G内存) 金融版(数据计算型): CN:2GB(96核CPU/768G内存);'256,2,(nobind)'(72核CPU/576G内存);'128,2,(nobind)'64核CPU/512G内存);'64,2,(nobind)'(32核CPU/256G内存) DN:'2048,2,(nobind)'(96核CPU/768G内存);'1024,2,(nobind)'(72核CPU/576G内存);'512,2,(nobind)'(64核CPU/512G内存);'256,2,(nobind)'(32核CPU/256G内存)
  • thread_pool_stream_attr 参数说明:用于控制stream线程池功能的详细属性,stream线程只在DN生效,该参数仅在enable_thread_pool打开后生效,仅sysadmin用户可以访问。该参数属于POSTMASTER类型参数,请参考表1中对应设置方法进行设置。 取值范围:字符串,长度大于0 该参数分为4个部分,'stream_thread_num, stream_proc_ratio ,group_num ,cpubind_info',这4个部分的具体含义如下: stream_thread_num:stream线程池中的线程总数,取值范围是0~4096。其中0的含义是数据库根据系统CPU core的数量来自动配置线程池的线程数,如果参数值大于0,线程池中的线程数等于stream_thread_num。线程池大小推荐根据硬件配置设置,计算公式如下:stream_thread_num = CPU核数*3~5,stream_thread_num最大值为4096。 stream_proc_ratio:预留给stream线程的proc数量比例,浮点类型,默认为0.2,预留proc计算方式为:stream_proc_ratio * stream_thread_num。 group_num:线程池中的线程分组个数,取值范围是0~64。其中0的含义是数据库根据系统NUMA组的个数来自动配置线程池的线程分组个数,如果参数值大于0,线程池中的线程组个数等于group_num。thread_pool_stream_attr的group_num需与thread_pool_attr的group_num配置和使用保持一致,若设置为不同值,以thread_pool_attr的group_num为准。 cpubind_info:线程池是否绑核的配置参数。可选择的配置方式有集中:1. '(nobind)' ,线程不做绑核;2. '(allbind)',利用当前系统所有能查询到的CPU core做线程绑核;3. '(nodebind: 1, 2)',利用NUMA组1,2中的CPU core进行绑核;4. '(cpubind: 0-30)',利用0-30号CPU core进行绑核;5. '(numabind: 0-30)',在NUMA组内利用0-30号CPU core进行绑核。该参数不区分大小写。thread_pool_stream_attr的cpubind_info需与thread_pool_attr的cpubind_info配置和使用保持一致,若设置为不同值,以thread_pool_attr的cpubind_info为准。 默认值: stream_thread_num:16 stream_proc_ratio:0.2 group_num、cpubind_info:参见thread_pool_attr。
  • resilience_threadpool_reject_cond 参数说明:用于控制线程池过载逃生的堆积会话数占比。该参数仅在GUC参数enable_thread_pool和use_workload_manager打开时生效。该参数属于SIGHUP类型参数,请参考表1中对应设置方法进行设置。 取值范围:字符串,长度大于0 该参数分为recover_threadpool_percent、overload_threadpool_percent 2部分,这2个部分的具体含义如下: recover_threadpool_percent:线程池恢复正常状态的接入会话占线程池初始设置线程数的百分比,当已经接入的会话数小于线程池初始设置数乘以该值对应的百分比后,停止过载逃生并放开新连接接入,取值为0~INT_MAX,设置为多少表示百分之多少。 overload_threadpool_percent:线程池过载时的接入会话占线程池初始设置线程数的百分比,当已经接入的会话数大于线程池初始设置数乘以该值对应的百分比后,表示当前线程池已经过载,触发过载逃生kill会话并禁止新连接接入,取值为0~INT_MAX,设置为多少表示百分之多少。 默认值:'0,0',表示关闭线程池逃生功能。 示例: resilience_threadpool_reject_cond = '100,200' 表示已经堆积的会话数超过线程池初始设置的线程数的200%后禁止新连接接入并kill堆积的会话,kill会话过程中会话数恢复到线程池初始设置的线程数的100%以下时停止kill会话并允许新连接接入。 已经堆积的会话数可以通过查询pg_stat_activity视图有多少条数据获得,需要过滤少量后台线程;线程池设置的初试线程池线程数目可以通过查询thread_pool_attr参数获得。 该参数如果设置的百分比过小,则会频繁触发线程池过载逃生流程,会使正在执行的会话被强制退出,新连接短时间接入失败,需要根据实际线程池使用情况慎重设置。 use_workload_manager参数关闭的情况下,如果打开bypass_workload_manager,则该参数也会生效,但是因为bypass_workload_manager是SIGHUP类型,reload方式设置后需要重启数据库才会使得当前功能生效。 recover_threadpool_percent和overload_threadpool_percent的值可以同时为0,除此之外,recover_threadpool_percent的值必须要小于overload_threadpool_percent,否则会设置不生效。
  • 预留参数 下列参数为预留参数,该版本不生效。 acce_min_datasize_per_thread cstore_insert_mode dfs_partition_directory_length enable_fstream enable_hdfs_predicate_pushdown enable_orc_cache schedule_splits_threshold enable_constraint_optimization enable_hadoop_env enable_hypo_index undo_space_limit_size undo_limit_size_per_transaction undo_zone_count ustore_attr enable_ustore 父主题: GUC参数说明
  • enable_hypo_index 参数说明:该参数控制数据库的优化器进行EXPLAIN时是否考虑创建的虚拟索引。通过对特定的查询语句执行explain,用户可根据优化器给出的执行计划评估该索引是否能够提升该查询语句的执行效率。 该参数属于USERSET类型参数,请参考表2中对应设置方法进行设置。 取值范围:布尔型 on表示在进行EXPLAIN时创建虚拟索引。 off表示在进行EXPLAIN时不创建虚拟索引。 默认值:off
  • job_queue_processes 参数说明:表示系统可以并发执行的job数目。该参数为postmaster级别,通过gs_guc设置,需要重启gaussdb才能生效。 该参数属于POSTMASTER类型参数,请参考表1中对应设置方法进行设置。 取值范围:0~1000 功能: 当job_queue_processes设置为0值,表示不启用定时任务功能,任何job都不会被执行(因为开启定时任务的功能会对系统的性能有影响,有些局点可能不需要定时任务的功能,可以通过设置为0不启用定时任务功能)。 当job_queue_processes为大于0时,表示启用定时任务功能且系统能够并发处理的最大任务数。 启用定时任务功能后,job_scheduler线程会在定时时间间隔轮询pg_job系统表,系统设置定时任务检查周期默认为1s。 由于并行运行的任务数太多会消耗更多的系统资源,因此需要设置系统并发处理的任务数,当前并发的任务数达到job_queue_processes时,且此时又有任务到期,那么这些任务本次得不到执行而延期到下一轮询周期。因此,建议用户需要根据每个任务的执行时长合理的设置任务的时间间隔(即submit接口中的interval参数),来避免由于任务执行时间太长而导致下个轮询周期无法正常执行。 注:如果同一时间内并行的job数很多,过小的参数值会导致job等待。而过大的参数值则消耗更多的系统资源,建议设置此参数为100,用户可以根据系统资源情况合理调整。 默认值:10
  • hll_default_expthresh(废弃) 参数说明:该参数可以用来设置从Explicit模式到Sparse模式的默认阈值大小。当前已经使用参数hll_default_log2explicit替代类似功能。 该参数属于USERSET类型参数,请参考表1中对应设置方法进行设置。 取值范围:整型,-1~7。-1表示自动模式,0表示跳过Explicit模式,取1-7表示在基数到达2hll_default_expthresh时切换模式。 默认值:-1
  • pljava_vmoptions 参数说明:用户自定义设置PL/Java函数(当前特性是实验室特性,使用时请联系华为工程师提供技术支持)所使用的JVM虚拟机的启动参数,仅sysadmin用户可以访问。 该参数属于SUSET类型参数,请参考表1中对应设置方法进行设置。 取值范围:字符串,支持: JDK8 JVM启动参数(可参见JDK官方说明) JDK8 JVM系统属性参数(以–D开头如–Djava.ext.dirs,可参见JDK官方说明) 用户自定义参数(以–D开头,如–Duser.defined.option) 如果用户在pljava_vmoptions中设置参数不满足上述取值范围,会在使用PL/Java语言函数时报错。 默认值:空