What is EU GDPR?

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation that requires businesses to protect the privacy and personal data of EU citizens. Huawei Cloud complies with the regulations on data controllers and processors in GDPR to ensure that personal data processing activities are secure, legal, and compliant with laws and regulations.

Huawei Cloud is also committed to providing secure and regulation-compliant services and resources, helping customers comply with GDPR requirements that may apply to their activities. Check out the following GDPR FAQ for more information.

What is EU GDPR?

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation that requires businesses to protect the privacy and personal data of EU citizens. Huawei Cloud complies with the regulations on data controllers and processors in GDPR to ensure that personal data processing activities are secure, legal, and compliant with laws and regulations.

Huawei Cloud is also committed to providing secure and regulation-compliant services and resources, helping customers comply with GDPR requirements that may apply to their activities. Check out the following GDPR FAQ for more information.

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活动时间: 2020年8月12日-2020年9月11日



GDPR Overview

GDPR Overview

  • What is the GDPR?

    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a binding legislative act, which must be applied in its entirety across the EU. The GDPR entered into force on 25 May 2018. It is intended to harmonize data protection laws throughout the EU by applying a single data protection law that is binding throughout each member state.

  • What is the applicable scope of the GDPR?

    The GDPR applicable scope is as follows:

    1. This Regulation applies to the processing of personal data in the context of the activities of an establishment of a controller or a processor in the EU, regardless of whether the processing takes place in the EU or not.

    2. This Regulation applies to the processing of personal data of data subjects who are in the EU by a controller or processor not established in the EU, where the processing activities are related to:

    (a) the offering of goods or services, irrespective of whether a payment of the data subject is required, to such data subjects in the EU; or (b) the monitoring of their behavior as far as their behavior takes place within the EU.

    3. This Regulation applies to the processing of personal data by a controller not established in the EU, but in a place where Member State law applies by virtue of public international law.

  • What is the role of Huawei Cloud under the GDPR?

    Huawei Cloud as a data controller – When Huawei Cloud collects personal data and determines the purposes and means of processing that personal data – for example, when Huawei Cloud stores personal information provided by customers for account registration, service purchase, real-name authentication, customer service, and so on.

    Huawei Cloud as a data processor – When customers use Huawei Cloud services to process personal data in the content they upload to the Huawei Cloud services. Under these circumstances, a customer may act as a data controller or data processor itself, and Huawei Cloud acts as a data processor. Huawei Cloud offers a GDPR-compliant Data Processing Addendum (DPA) that incorporates Huawei Cloud's commitments as data processor. Huawei Cloud processes data only according to your instructions.

  • How does Huawei Cloud meet GDPR requirements?

    Based on the core requirements of the GDPR, Huawei Cloud describes its general responsibilities as a controller and as a processor, and its responsibility fulfillment. As a data controller, Huawei Cloud fulfills obligations such as sending notifications and obtaining consents, protecting data subject rights, protecting data through design and default settings, recording data processing, enhancing personal data security, reporting personal data breach report, assessing data protection impacts, and designating a data protection officer (DPO). As a data processor, Huawei Cloud fulfills obligations such as signing a contract between the controller and the processor, protecting personal data security, recording data processing activities, and designating a DPO. For more information, see White Paper for Huawei Cloud Privacy Protection.

  • How does Huawei Cloud help customers meet GDPR requirements?

    Huawei Cloud provides you with a wide range of cloud products or services that can help you meet the compliance requirements of the GDPR. The products and services include network products, database products, security products, and management and deployment tools. They provide functions such as data protection, data deletion, network isolation, and permission management to help you protect personal data privacy. For more information, see White Paper for Huawei Cloud Privacy Protection.

  • How will Huawei Cloud notify Customers of requests received from Supervisory Authorities?

    Huawei Cloud will notify the customer If there is any legally binding request for disclosure of the personal data by a law enforcement authority unless otherwise prohibited, such as a prohibition under criminal law to preserve the confidentiality of a law enforcement investigation;

How does Huawei Cloud meet privacy protection requirements as a data processor?

How does Huawei Cloud meet privacy protection requirements as a data processor?

If the customer is the personal data controller and Huawei Cloud assists in processing personal data in the customer's personal data, or if the customer is a personal data processor and uses the services provided by Huawei Cloud to process personal data, Huawei Cloud takes the following measures to fulfill the obligations of the processor.

If the customer is the personal data controller and Huawei Cloud assists in processing personal data in the customer's personal data, or if the customer is a personal data processor and uses the services provided by Huawei Cloud to process personal data, Huawei Cloud takes the following measures to fulfill the obligations of the processor.

  • Contract Between the Controller and the Processor

    Customers have full control over their personal data. Huawei Cloud strictly complies with customers' instructions or the Data Processing Addendum (DPA) signed with customers to store or process personal data.

    Non-disclosure obligation: Huawei Cloud does not access, use, or disclose any customer data to any third party unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations.

    Return or deletion of personal data: With the account function, Huawei Cloud will provide customers with the capability of completely deleting customer data at any time according to the DPA, unless customer data storage is otherwise required by applicable privacy laws. Huawei Cloud will delete a customer's data if the customer requires the deletion, the customer closes its account, or as specified in the agreement with the customer (for example, at the end of an extension and/or retention period).

  • Security of Personal Data

    Agreement with data controller: Huawei Cloud strictly complies with the customer's instructions or the Data Processing Addendum (DPA) signed with the customer in storing or processing personal data.

    Huawei Cloud has established a comprehensive privacy protection system that includes a series of privacy protection policies at the corporate and process levels to protect customer privacy. In addition, Huawei Cloud has established a data protection department with dedicated personnel responsible for annual supervision, reviews, and audits on effective implementation of Huawei Cloud privacy protection measures.

    Huawei Cloud implements and maintains the following security measures:

    Customer isolation: Huawei Cloud provides an isolated cloud service environment for each account. Users can access only their own cloud services.

    Permission control: Huawei Cloud uses the identity authentication system to restrict unauthorized access and manages Huawei Cloud employee permissions based on the principle of least privilege.

    Data encryption: Huawei Cloud helps customers encrypt personal data for storage and transmission.

    Vulnerability management: The Huawei Cloud Security Incident Response Team has established a mature vulnerability response mechanism. Based on the characteristics of self-operations on the cloud, the team continuously improves the security vulnerability management process and technical means to ensure that the vulnerabilities of in-house, open-source, and third-party components in infrastructure, platforms, applications, cloud services, and O&M tools can be fixed as soon as possible, reducing risks and avoiding impact on tenant services.

  • Records of Processing Activities

    Huawei Cloud customers have complete control over their personal data. Huawei Cloud strictly complies with customer instructions or the Data Processing Addendum (DPA) signed with the customer. Huawei Cloud always retains documents related to its processing activities in accordance with applicable privacy laws. To the extent that applicable privacy laws require Huawei Cloud to collect and maintain records of certain customer details, the customer will use the controls and functions provided by Huawei Cloud to provide such information and keep it accurate and up-to-date.

  • Transfers of Personal Data to Third Countries or International Organizations

    Huawei Cloud will sign a Data Processing Addendum (DPA) with the customer along with standard contractual clauses (SCCs), including clauses pertaining to transferring data from a processor to another processor (P-P) and from a processor to a controller (P-C). Huawei Cloud will strictly comply with the data transfer clauses specified in the preceding agreements and take appropriate data protection measures.

    Customers can select any availability zone they consider appropriate to store their content data. Without the customer's consent, Huawei Cloud will never migrate customer's content data out of the region customers have selected. Huawei Cloud can transfer customer data in the region selected by the customer only when it is necessary to provide the services required by the customer or in other cases specified by legal requirements.

  • Notification of a Personal Data Breach

    Huawei Cloud has established a cyber security incident response process that monitors potential cyber attacks in a timely manner to prevent data breaches. In the event of a personal data breach, a professional security incident response team is responsible for implementing emergency plans, disclosing the breach to the controller, and logging all incident records.

    Huawei Cloud will notify the customer immediately after becoming aware of a personal data breach. Such notifications will use the contact details provided by the customer, including but not limited to emails and text messages. The customer is responsible for the accuracy of contact details they provide for their account.

  • How can Huawei Cloud Customer provide the information to Huawei Cloud as processor to update the RoPA

    A Huawei Cloud Customer can use the personal data management request to provide the information to Huawei Cloud as processor to update the RoPA, such as the name and contact details of each customer (as provided by the Customer) on behalf of which Huawei Cloud is acting, the categories of processing carried out on behalf of the Customer, list of Controllers, etc. Our privacy expert team will contact you to confirm the changes and to update the related RoPA in Huawei Cloud system.

  • How do Huawei Cloud provide assistance to the customer to fully address data subject requests?

    Huawei Cloud could assistance customer on the internal technical and organizational measures to locate and extract relevant data and so on, case by case.

    Customer could submit the request via the Personal Data Management Request.

How does Huawei Cloud meet privacy protection requirements as a data controller?

How does Huawei Cloud meet privacy protection requirements as a data controller?

As the controller of customers' personal data, Huawei Cloud is responsible for protecting the privacy and security of customers' personal data. The following describes the measures taken by Huawei Cloud to fulfill its obligations as a controller in accordance with general obligations stated for controllers:

As the controller of customers' personal data, Huawei Cloud is responsible for protecting the privacy and security of customers' personal data. The following describes the measures taken by Huawei Cloud to fulfill its obligations as a controller in accordance with general obligations stated for controllers:

  • Notification and Consent

    When a customer registers an account on Huawei Cloud, Huawei Cloud presents Huawei Cloud Customer Agreement and Privacy Statement to the customer. The Privacy Statement explicitly describes which personal data will be collected by Huawei Cloud, how Huawei Cloud collects and processes customer's personal data, and what purposes of the collecting and processing operations. Huawei Cloud collects and processes customers' personal data only after customers read and agree to Huawei Cloud User Agreement and Privacy Statement.

    In the Privacy Statement, Huawei Cloud lists the scenarios that may involve the collection of customers' personal data and describes the categories of personal data to be collected and the purposes of using the personal data. Huawei Cloud will ask for customers' explicit consent when performing a specific collection.

    When the scope or purposes of personal data collected by a service or product changes, Huawei Cloud will update Privacy Statement in a timely manner and ask for the customer's new consent. The privacy statement is presented in a clear, concise, and intelligible manner and in an easily accessible form.

    The customer has the right to withdraw their consent at any time. Disabling related services or deleting accounts will be deemed a withdrawal of the consent the customer granted before. The Privacy Statement also specifies automated decision-making scenarios where Huawei Cloud automatically obtains and collects personal data, such as browser history, access date and time, browser information, customer activities on the website, hardware and software functions, and network connection information when customers access Huawei Cloud, and other information when customers use Huawei Cloud services. Huawei Cloud uses automated processes to tailor the customer's service experience based on various data (including customer's personal data) to provide personalized user experience and content. Huawei Cloud collects and processes customer data only after they agree to Privacy Statement.

    Providing personal data for personalized scenarios is optional. If customers choose not to submit personal data, some personalized functions may be unavailable to them. However, this does not affect the use of other functions of the service involved. Huawei Cloud provides various options on its website for customers to withdraw their consent to personal data collection and processing. Customers can directly withdraw such consent or request for a consent withdrawal via the data subject requests portal.

  • Rights of the Data Subject

    When you register a Huawei Cloud account, you are asked to view the Privacy Statement provided by Huawei Cloud. The Privacy Statement describes how your personal data is collected and processed, the reasons for the data collection, the consequences of exercising the right to object to provide data, the purpose and method of data use, as well as the type of data recipients, the legitimate interests of the data controller or third parties (if any), and contact information of Huawei Cloud and the data protection officer. You are informed of data subject's rights in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, such as the right to access, to rectification, to erasure, to restriction of processing, the right to have data transferred, and right to withdraw consent.

    Self-service management of personal data: You can access, correct, deregister, and withdraw your consent through the account center on the official website. You can also contact Huawei Cloud's dedicated department for personal information protection.

    To exercise data subject's rights, you can access the data subject portal to contact Huawei Cloud. Huawei Cloud professional team will respond as soon as possible and complete the processing and send you the results within the time specified by the law and by Huawei's regulations.

  • Third Party Disclosures

    To provide necessary transactions, services, and security support, Huawei Cloud may disclose some personal data to third parties, such as associated companies, branches, service providers, and subcontractors. If Huawei Cloud shares your personal data with a third party, the third party's responsibilities and obligations are subject to the contract. Huawei Cloud requires them to take appropriate measures to ensure security of processed personal data.

    Huawei Cloud conducts due diligence and privacy security assessment on third parties as required by the law, and signs a Data Protection Agreement (DPA) with such third parties. The DPA specifies the privacy protection obligations of the third parties as processors/sub-processors, and the applicable laws and regulation requirements they must meet.

    Huawei Cloud Privacy Statement describes the scenarios where personal data needs to be disclosed to third parties. You are asked to read the Privacy Statement and agree to it to give us the permission to collect and process your personal data.

  • Direct Marketing

    When you register on the Huawei Cloud official website, you can choose whether to allow Huawei Cloud to use your personal data for marketing. Marketing information will be pushed to you only after we obtain your consent.

    Huawei Cloud provides a range of notification options on its official website. You can set what information will be pushed to you and how you will receive it. If you do not want to receive marketing information, you can turn it off in the user center of the official website.

  • Data Protection Through Design and Default Settings

    Huawei Cloud has released privacy protection policies and objectives and management regulations and process requirements to specify business specifications, and has provided corresponding operation guides, tools, and templates to help employees carry out business activities in an efficient manner. All these ensure the implementation of basic privacy protection principles in Huawei Cloud business activities, protecting personal data security and data subject rights.

    Based on widely recognized privacy principles, Huawei Cloud integrates privacy into design and embeds personal information protection requirements into the end-to-end development process to ensure compliance with the requirements.

  • Data Processing Records

    Huawei Cloud keeps complete records of personal data processing activities. Each service team assesses privacy impacts and lists the data owner categories, personal data types, data collection purpose, data transfer records, retention period, and security measures.

  • Security of Personal Data

    Huawei Cloud uses multiple industry-recognized security technologies to ensure the accuracy, integrity, and security of personal data during processing.

    Customer isolation: Huawei Cloud provides an isolated cloud service environment for each account. Users can access only their own cloud services.

    Permissions control: The identity authentication system restricts unauthorized access and allows you to manage employee permissions based on the principle of least privilege to prevent personal data modification.

    Data encryption: Huawei Cloud encrypts your personal data for storage and transmission.

    Risk monitoring: Huawei Cloud uses log recording system and audit technology to detect security risks in a timely manner, and take quick actions to handle security events.

    Huawei Cloud regularly reviews the purposes of collection, use, and disclosure of personal data. If you request that your personal data be deleted, Huawei Cloud masks or deletes your data, unless otherwise required by applicable laws and regulations. After you deregister a Huawei Cloud account, Huawei Cloud masks or deletes unnecessary personal data after the data retention period ends, unless otherwise required by applicable laws and regulations.

  • Personal Data Breach Report

    In order to prevent data breaches, Huawei Cloud has established a cyber security incident response process that monitors potential cyber attacks in a timely manner. However, in the event of a data breach, a professional response team will execute the emergency plan, disclose the incident to the customer and local supervisory department, and log the incident.

    The Huawei Cloud incident response team will notify regulators and customers of the personal data breach within the time specified by the local laws and internal regulations.

  • Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA)

    To effectively identify and mitigate privacy risks, Huawei Cloud carries out privacy risk analysis and management in every cloud service.

    For services or cloud services that may cause high risks to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, Huawei Cloud requires that a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) be conducted. The assessment process includes identifying personal data based on the service scenario and processing operation, conducting analysis on regulatory compliance and the impacts on data subjects, and planning the privacy risk control measures. Services can be carried out only after privacy risks are deemed acceptable.

  • Data Protection Officer (DPO)

    According to laws and regulations, Huawei Cloud can appoint a DPO based on its own data processing activities.

    Huawei Cloud has appointed a data protection officer (DPO) in each country and region where it has businesses to help it carry out activities in compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations. The DPO contact information is published in the Privacy Statement.

    Huawei Cloud has established a privacy protection expert team consisting of experts in the privacy protection field, legal affairs personnel, and cyber and information security personnel, to provide professional support for the privacy protection strategy and practice of Huawei Cloud.

  • Transfers of Personal Data to Third Countries or International Organizations

    Huawei Cloud notifies customers in the Privacy Statement that Huawei Cloud may store customers' personal data in countries/regions where Huawei Cloud, Huawei Cloud affiliates, or Huawei Cloud service providers or subcontractors are located. This means that a customer's personal data may be transferred to, and assessed in other jurisdictions than where the customer is located or where its data is collected.

    These jurisdictions may have different data protection laws, which may have less stringent data protection requirements. In this case, Huawei Cloud will ensure that the data transfer complies with applicable laws and regulations and the Privacy Statement, and ensure that data recipients outside China comply with the corresponding confidentiality and data protection obligations.

  • Permission Control and Audit

    Permission control: Huawei Cloud has established an access control mechanism that implements the principles of least privilege and permission separation and periodically reviews employees' permissions to avoid any permission violations.

    Log audit: Each time an employee logs in to Huawei Cloud, Huawei Cloud verifies the employee's identity. If an event occurs, Huawei Cloud can trace logs in a timely manner and hold the employee accountable. When the position of an employee changes, Huawei Cloud clears or modifies the employee's permissions in a timely manner to prevent any permission violations. Employees' login and operation logs will be retained for a period of time for review.

  • Privacy Protection Training

    Privacy protection training: Huawei Cloud trains employees to ensure their qualifications, capabilities, and behaviors meet privacy protection requirements, and has arranged positions related to privacy protection and clearly defined the responsibilities of these positions. It conducts background investigations and skill appraisals on new employees to ensure that they meet certain requirements, and requires that they pass privacy protection appraisals every year. When an employee is repositioned, Huawei Cloud ensures that the employee's original permissions are canceled.

  • Privacy Governance Organization and Procedure

    Privacy protection system: Huawei Cloud has established a comprehensive privacy protection system that includes a series of privacy protection policies at the corporate and process levels to protect customer privacy. In addition, Huawei Cloud has established a data protection department with dedicated personnel responsible for annual supervision, reviews, and audits on effective implementation of Huawei Cloud privacy protection measures.


  • ISO 29151

    Standards identified by privacy risk and impact assessment

    Standards identified by privacy risk and impact assessment

  • BS 10012

    A best practice framework for a personal information management system

    A best practice framework for a personal information management system

  • ISO 27701

    Guidance for privacy information management

    Guidance for privacy information management

  • EU Privacy Protection White Paper

    HUAWEI CLOUD privacy protection objectives: strictly adhering to services' boundaries, protecting customers' personal data security, and helping customers implement privacy protections.

    HUAWEI CLOUD privacy protection objectives: strictly adhering to services' boundaries, protecting customers' personal data security, and helping customers implement privacy protections.

  • Shared Responsibility Model

    A shared model to build a secure cloud environment together

    A shared model to build a secure cloud environment together

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