Industry Trends

Hybrid Cloud Disaster Recovery and Backup Development Trends

Hybrid Cloud Disaster Recovery and Backup Development Trends

With the rapid development of the cloud computing industry and ever-increasing customer needs, the IT infrastructure at organizations of all sizes are placing more and more services into a cloud framework. This move presents enterprises with some daunting challenges in ensuring service continuity.

Enterprises are choosing cloud services because they are cheaper, able to eliminate environment bottlenecks, and able to fully gear into ever-changing developments to suit the growth strategies of the enterprises. For service systems, security and stability are always the top priority.

Enterprises use multi-cloud solutions for various reasons. The data requirements as well as data protection and management strategies of an enterprise determine whether multi-cloud and cross-cloud DR capabilities are required. For example, if the enterprise data management strategy emphasizes multiple backups, then the multi-cloud strategy is the correct choice. According to research from Enterprise Management Associates (EMA), 61% of the enterprises with services running in clouds use at least two clouds.

Business Challenges

  • High Costs in DR Center Builds and O&M

    To build a traditional DR center, enterprises need to build or rent equipment rooms and invest lots of manpower in maintenance and testing. Accomplishing a full DR mode incurs high CAPEX and OPEX as the arms of both or multiple centers must reach the same scale and achieve near real-time transmission.

    To build a traditional DR center, enterprises need to build or rent equipment rooms and invest lots of manpower in maintenance and testing. Accomplishing a full DR mode incurs high CAPEX and OPEX as the arms of both or multiple centers must reach the same scale and achieve near real-time transmission.

  • Many Restrictions on DR Drills

    If a DR drill is performed in a traditional DR center, equipment rooms and cables need to be scheduled, and some cold standby devices need to be powered on, which causes a high fault rate. Switchovers may delay or even fail at the critical moment in spite of the drills, leaving the enterprise vulnerable with weak service recovery capabilities.

    If a DR drill is performed in a traditional DR center, equipment rooms and cables need to be scheduled, and some cold standby devices need to be powered on, which causes a high fault rate. Switchovers may delay or even fail at the critical moment in spite of the drills, leaving the enterprise vulnerable with weak service recovery capabilities.

  • Complicated Data Synchronization Policies

    The synchronization policies for hosts, databases, and storage devices are complicated and restricted by the transmission distance and data volume. In addition, the data encryption/decryption mechanism complicates deployments and maintenance. As a result, some data becomes invalid, or the system cannot meet the designed RPO.

    The synchronization policies for hosts, databases, and storage devices are complicated and restricted by the transmission distance and data volume. In addition, the data encryption/decryption mechanism complicates deployments and maintenance. As a result, some data becomes invalid, or the system cannot meet the designed RPO.

  • Architecture Difficult to Implement

    Core services require multi-center architectures to ensure service continuity, requiring large amounts of investment and extensive consideration in design as to how all the parts of the architecture will collaborate. Implementing this architecture with a traditional DR model equates to high costs and the benefits are limited.

    Core services require multi-center architectures to ensure service continuity, requiring large amounts of investment and extensive consideration in design as to how all the parts of the architecture will collaborate. Implementing this architecture with a traditional DR model equates to high costs and the benefits are limited.

Typical Scenarios


Cost-Effective and Secure Enterprise Backup Solution


  • Economical and Efficient Backup

    Storage resources are billed by usage. Upfront investments are reduced by 20% to 80%. Data is transmitted after deduplication and compression, saving you big on storage costs while shortening the backup window often by as much as 75%.

  • Secure and Reliable Data Transmission and


    Data is encrypted throughout the entire process: at the source end, during transmission, and in OBS. Data durability reaches 99.99999%.

Related Services


HA Public Cloud DR Center


  • New IoT Connection Processing Module

  • Selects the optimal replication technology for

    the layers and other particulars in your profile:

    Application layer: multi-cloud architecture and multi-cloud connections switchover

    Virtualization layer: data synchronization supported by the ecosystem cooperation solution

    Database layer: replication software of mainstream databases, such as Oracle and MySQL

    Storage layer: asynchronous replication of Huawei storage arrays to Huawei Cloud Dedicated Enterprise Storage Service (DESS)

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